Welcome baby Jasper

I was recently asked to photograph the birth of a new baby. It was slightly out of my comfort zone, but I agreed to do it anyways for some good friends. I am extremely glad I took the offer. The day was St. Patrick's day 2014. I showed up to Sacred Heart's children's unit. The waiting room was as typical as you would expect, except there was an energy in the room that was indescribable. A few days prior, the mother Shannon messaged me and said " Make sure you get a couple of shots of Chance's mom, she isn't doing so well and we would love to have some shots of her". I told her of course and made sure to get some good shots. A little over a week ago his mother took a turn for the worse and passed away. I know now what that energy was that I was feeling. A mutual friend of theirs Ryan said it best, "It was like she was holding on to make sure she met Jasper". Being able to have been there for that means a ton to me and will resonate with me for the rest of my life.


 See, that's the thing that I think makes me the most happy about taking photographs. Being able to be there for a moment that will never happen again and being able to immortalize it for the people involved. I am truly thankful for that day and I want to thank Shannon and Chance, Ryan and their families as well. To Mrs. Lil, here's to you. From the stories shared to myself, you made quite the impact on not only your friends and family, but the community as well. You will be greatly missed.

